Saturday, October 8, 2011

It's Going

It's been awhile since i've written on here, and a lot has happened. I feel like this blog is a good way to keep friends and family updated on my condition. I wish i could be telling you about my latest race, but I am still off the bike almost completely. I ride my single speed to class everyday (expect it already snowed here! so not sure how much longer thats gonna last haha) but I am experiencing pretty bad exercise intolerance, and going to class, and a little bit of physical therapy is still too much for me, so no training. Since i've gotten back to Durango, my condition hasn't changed much. Lately i've been in a much better mood at least :) It seems like I'm going to every doctor in Durango, but the downside of a really small town is that no one can really help me. So i'll travel out of state soon to a hospital specializing in Dysautonomia, and hopefully finally get a definitive diagnosis so I can figure out a treatment that works! I've also been diagnosed with Esinophillic Gastritis, and am currently on an elimination diet and my gastrointestinal issues are slowly improving! So no more wheat, diary, eggs, soy, corn, nuts, seafood, citrus, acidic vegetables, or nightshades. It sure makes grocery shopping simple :) and i've been experimenting with baking and made a bean, rice, spice cake that was awesome! 
So it's been a really rough semester so far, and i'm just fighting to stay in school, but I'm still so happy to be here and am enjoying all my classes. Hope everyone is doing well :) And again if anyone has knowledge about these conditions, or any good allergen free recipes i'd love to hear from you!