Monday, January 31, 2011

Back in D-Town

Sooo, I finally caught the winter crud traveling around campus :( I guess one thing you have to get used to living in the dorms is sharing germs with everyone else. Yipee. Anyways, being off the bike for the past week has given me plenty of time to rest, study, and gripe about the noticeable lack of snow. (Even though it's nice to be able to ride outside in January, I seriously miss skiing!!!). My family back in Texas misses skiing probably a lot more then I do, seen by my dad's latest purchase, a Nordic Track.

Oh, and I also want to say congrats to my little bro who completed the Houston Half-Marathon yesterday in 1:43:25. Not to shabby squirt :)

Many of you know we recently said goodbye to FLC's head coach Matt Shriver, who took a job as a liaison for the Trek/Radio Shack team. So we now have two new coaches for road season this year, Chris McGovern and the women's coach, Jimmy Kight. (You can read all about them at which, by the way, is the official FLC team site where you can keep up with everything that is going on. I just realized I never put that up :) So far they have been awesome, setting up team training, individual coaching programs, and spin scans for every athlete among other things. I have no doubt they will lead us to great things this spring!

Speaking of road season, I do admit I am excited to try my first crit, however I'm still positive I will never be a true roadie. Mountain biking is just too much fun :) Our first race is coming up on March 19 (A race in Boulder, CO on Saturday and a race in Laramie, WY on Sunday. Can you say road trip?) which will be my first road race ever so I will let you know how that goes... Base training is going well, until this pesky cold came along, and I am still loving getting to ride in the mountains EVERY DAY :) haha I hope i never get tired of this place.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

It's 2011 and it's gonna be a great year :) Some exciting changes may be on the horizon so i will keep you informed!
My brother Harry and  I in front of gorgeous Mt. Crested Butte
So far winter break has been going great, starting with some serious nordic cross-training in Crested Butte with the family. Only a few minor injuries were sustained. Those of you who know my family all know they are just as accident prone as me :)

We got back to Texas just in time to ring in the new year, and I am looking forward to getting some nice base training in this last week before I head back. Sources in Durango informed me it got down to -26 degrees today!!! And along with the multiple feet of snow they've gotten in the past few days it means that I will be putting in some quality trainer time. At least I have tons of awesome friends who will suffer along with me :)

Hope everyone has a great year in cycling and in everything else!