Monday, August 8, 2011

Just A Little Health Update

Hey everyone!!!! :)
It has been a most eventful summer, just not quite in the way I was hoping. I've been on this crazy health roller coaster for the past few years now, and after getting mono in June and ending up in Texas I was really struggling with my heart. A chance appointment to the neurologist finally gave us some answers. They measured my resting heart rate laying down (106) and after standing up (150) and based on this and my purple legs, she diagnosed me with Dysautonomia. We probably spent 3 hours going through my entire medical history and it could explain everything! Basically, my autonomic nervous system which controls all your involuntary bodily functions (heart, circulation, breathing, digestion, etc.) doesn't work correctly and it leads to a lot of complex symptoms and issues. I most likely had never been diagnosed because it is fairly unknown, and being an athlete my entire life kept the symptoms relatively at bay. Especially since the veins in my legs don't always remember to contract and send the blood back to your heart, and my leg muscles are able to compensate. So I just have to keep riding my bike! We don't know yet what caused this, but extensive testing should reveal that in the next few months.

So the main reason for posting all this is I would love for anyone who has any knowledge of Dysautonomia or a similar disorder to let me know! I am on facebook if you don't have my number.

Well I hope everyone is enjoying their last few weeks of summer! I am heading back to Durango in 4 days! I can't wait and I'm really hoping i'll be able to ride soon :) And GOOD LUCK to everyone headed to Switzerland for the World Championships! They definitely have an amazing team this year :)